What are the opening hours of the TDC spare parts e-shop?

You can order goods 24/7. After you place an order, you will receive an email message about the further procedure. All the questions related to the ordering of the spare parts will be answered by our manager by email [email protected] or on phone +370 647 47554

Are the prices indicated including VAT?

Yes, the prices indicated are with VAT.

Can the goods be purchased by a company? Do you provide invoices?

Yes, the invoice will be sent to the given email address.

What are the opening hours?

Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm.

Can I see the desired goods in your local store?

Yes, you can see the items in our store UAB IRLIDA at Sodo St. 24, Šiauliai. The consultants will show and help to choose the most appropriate equipment.

Can I place an order on phone?

Yes. Just call +370 647 47554

Can you deliver the goods to smaller towns and villages?


How can I pay for the goods?

Cash, credit or debit card, bank transfer or installments.
